Matthias Zenger


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Welcome to my homepage. I am a senior engineering director at Google. I work on Google Shopping and live in Zurich, Switzerland.

Before joining Google in 2004 as a software engineer, I was a research assistant at the Programming Methods Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland. I studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany and at the University of South Australia in Adelaide.

Professionally, I am interested in software engineering, distributed systems, data modeling, programming languages, and programming in general. Some of the things I am really enthusiastic about include:
  • programming language design and implementation,
  • type systems,
  • software extensibility and software evolution,
  • software engineering,
  • architectural design patterns,
  • the design of APIs, as well as
  • data models and data representations.
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I am a passionate software developer. I write software in my spare time as time permits. A list of personal software projects is listed under Development.